Seowon thinks about human and environment through the honest enterprise spirit.
Our lifestyle is changing day by day.
Seowon is preparing for the new take-off to accommodate the rapidly changing market.
In order to strengthen the competitiveness in the flow of international competition which is intensifying day by day, high value added products are being created based on the plentiful experience, such as advanced technology, recent cutting-edge facility, highly skilled technical professionals, etc., and furthermore, we will create a global standard for quality of life and environmental friendly products by emphasizing the human and environment for business based on business ethics of Seowon.
Our vision is the best material company opening the environmental friendly life in the future.
Even at this moment, our excellent technical staff members are devoting their full attention to the development of a new environmental friendly material as well as various new copper alloys in order to enhance your daily lives.
Through such constant effort, Seowon will not only pursue profits, but also manage the company in honest way, play the social role mandated to companies and practice a high level of moral and ethical duty beyond the dedication for the profit to the society.